The triceps brachii is found at the back of the upper arm. It is composed of the lateral head, the long head, and the medial head. While the main function of the triceps brachii is extending the elbow, the medial head is also responsible for arm stability.
This review identifies exercises that target and activate the medial head to improve arm strength and contribute to creating chiseled arms.
The medial head is less prominent than other tricep heads; hence, it is overlooked during tricep workouts. People focus more on lateral and long heads to improve arm aesthetics and size. Nonetheless, exercising the medial heads is critical for increasing upper-body functional strength and arm muscular balance. After investigating various workouts, we identified the best medial head tricep exercises, expert tips, and associated benefits. Continue reading to learn the secret to having large, well-defined arm muscles.
8 Tricep Medial Head Exercises
Various tricep medial head exercises isolate and strengthen the entire tricep brachii but with a focus on the medial head. As a result, the tricep muscle becomes firmer and more defined, improving the appearance and functional strength of the arm. These exercises include:
8 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises
The most effective tricep medial head exercises isolate the muscle and increase its activation rate during exercise. The exercises listed were selected because they offered a high rate of medial head activation and engaged the tricep brachii.
Cable Reverse-Grip Tricep Pushdown
The cable reverse-grip tricep pushdown is adapted from the traditional tricep pushdown but with variation in the grip position. It uses an underhand grip (palms facing toward the body). This grip variation may increase the activation of the medial head.
The exercise also activates the lateral and long heads but not as much as when done with an overhand grip (palms facing forward).
The workout is beneficial because it promotes the balanced development of the tricep muscles. It also increases the overall stability of the elbow joint.
How To Do
- Set an appropriate weight level that allows you to maintain excellent form throughout the exercise. Connect a straight bar to the end of the high pulley.
- While facing the machine, make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart. Grab the straight bar palms up, elbows close to the torso.
- Before you begin pushing down, take a small step back and lean forward from your hips. Keep your back straight and your upper arms in a fixed position.
- Extend your elbows to push the straight bar down. Fully extend your arms, but don’t let the elbow joint lock.
- To return to the starting position, bend the elbows slowly to maintain controlled movement.
- When pushing down, ensure that the load is focused on the triceps by squeezing the entire brachii.
- Pause briefly at full extension to allow maximum contraction of the tricep medial heads.
- Return to the starting position without allowing the weights to rest. Stop when the forearms are slightly beyond parallel with the ground to maintain tension.
- Always keep your elbows close to your torso to avoid transferring the workload to other muscles or joints.
Optimal Sets & Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–5 | 4–6 |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 15–20 |
Power Training | 3–5 | 1–3 (Explosive) |
Barbell Close-Grip Bench Press
The barbell close-grip bench press isolates the triceps brachii during workouts. It also works the shoulder and chest muscles, making it a popular compound exercise for upper body training. It is executed by placing the palms close together in the center of the barbell.
The close or narrow grip reduces the workload on the chest muscles, which are primarily targeted by barbell bench presses. The close grip activates the medial heads, which stabilize the elbow for good barbell control on a narrow grip. The exercise results in accelerated growth of the medial head as well as balanced arm strength.
How To Do
- Place a flat bench beneath the barbell rack. Insert appropriate weight plates that will provide adequate resistance while maintaining excellent pressing form.
- Position yourself on the flat bench so that the barbell bar is at eye level. Place the feet slightly apart, soles flat, and firmly pressed to the ground.
- With an underhand grip (palms facing upward), grab the barbell at shoulder width or even narrower if you can maintain good control. Wrap your thumbs around the bar for a firm grip.
- Push the barbell from its rack and place it above the chest. Keep the elbows close to the body and the wrists unbent.
- Take a deep breath, then slowly lower the weights to your chest.
- Breathe out slowly while pushing the weight up with controlled movement.
- To sustain the tension on the triceps, make sure the elbows do not move to the sides as you lower.
- Focus more tension at the back of the arms by squeezing the tricep brachii when pressing up.
- Without locking elbows, pause for a while at the top to ensure the tricep muscles fully contract.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–5 | 4–6 |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 15+ |
Power Training | 3–5 | 1–5 (Explosive) |
Dumbbell Skull Crusher
The dumbbell skull crusher primarily targets the triceps brachii. The exercise causes more activation in the medial heads, which stabilize and extend the elbows.
This exercise is highly recommended because it strengthens and stabilizes the elbows and shoulders. It also tones the upper arm muscles for a great physique.
How To Do
- Choose a pair of appropriate-weight dumbbells and a flat bench. Hold the dumbbells with palms facing each other and lay flat on the bench.
- Fully extend your arms up, keeping them at shoulder width without locking the elbows.
- Holding the upper arms steady, slowly lower the forearms by bending the elbows. The weights should drop to the sides of your forehead.
- Extend the elbows to lift the weights back up while keeping the upper arms in position.
- For stability and sustained controlled movement, practice intentional breathing by breathing in during the lowering phase and out when lifting.
- Do not break resistance by allowing the weights to rest on the bench.
- Do not move the elbows sideways, as this will shift the workload away from the triceps.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–5 | 6–8 |
Hypertrophy | 3–6 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 2–3 | 15–20 |
Power Training | 1–3 | 1–5 (Explosive) |
Triceps Dip
Triceps dips primarily work the triceps, but they also engage the shoulders and chest. This exercise belongs on this list because it requires a full elbow extension. The medial heads, which control balance and elbow stability, are thus activated.
Performing this exercise regularly improves upper body functional strength, which is important in everyday activities. It also reduces the risk of injury when performing such activities by gradually improving joint health and strength.
How To Do
- Set the handles at a comfortable height so you can easily grab on.
- Stand facing the machine and grab the handles with your palms facing inward and arms fully extended.
- To improve your balance, lift your feet off the ground with your arms and cross your legs at the ankles.
- Bend the elbows slowly while keeping your body weight evenly distributed between the arms and shoulders in a neutral position. Lower the body until the elbows form a right angle, or dip even lower if comfortable.
- Extend the elbow to push the body weight upward. Push up, but keep a slight arm bend at the top to avoid elbow locking.
- Maintain proper form by avoiding moving elbows sideways or swinging the body during exercise motions. This could cause tension to shift to other parts of the body, potentially resulting in injury.
- For increased stability, practice controlled breathing by breathing in on the way down and out when pushing up.
Optimal Sets & Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 5 | 5 |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 15+ |
Power Training | 3–5 | 3–5 (Explosive) |
Triceps Dip On Bench
The triceps dip on bench is one of the most efficient workouts for developing the triceps brachii. It also exercises the chest and shoulder muscles. Lifting your hips off the floor should also engage your core muscles.
This workout can be done anywhere, with various variants to make it easier or more tough based on your fitness level.
This is a basic exercise for anyone who can reach an elevated surface, such as a bench, step, or stair. We utilize it to exercise the upper body.
How To Do
- Hand placement: Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a weight bench or other appropriate elevated surface.
- Extend your legs in front, palms flat on the bench, knuckles facing forward.
- Push up to the starting position, then lower your body until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
- Hold for a few seconds at the bottom of the movement, keeping the elbows close to the body and the muscles tight.
- Press down onto the bench, bringing your elbows back to their starting position.
- Keep your neck in line with the rest of the spine throughout the whole range of motion. Your shoulders should stay low and away from your ears.
- Maintain a smooth range of motion, with your elbow at 90 degrees and your upper arm parallel to the ground.
- Triceps dips require a lot of shoulder extension (bringing arms back). This exerts a lot of tension on the shoulders. So, if you feel tightness or pain, don’t go any lower to limit shoulder injury.
- Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the dip. Flared elbows make the movement riskier by transferring tension from the triceps to the shoulders.
- Keep your body in a straight line. Leaning forward develops your chest muscles, not your triceps.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–5 | 4–6 |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 15+ |
Power Training | 3–5 | 1–3 (Explosive) |
Diamond Push-Up
Push-ups are a full-body exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your upper body.
Diamond push-ups need the hands to be interlaced in a diamond pattern. According to research, the diamond push-ups shift the focus from the chest muscles and increase activation in the tricep brachii.
Diamond push-ups work all three heads of your triceps, with extra emphasis on the muscles in your upper back and shoulders. It also has a stabilizing impact on the deltoid and trapezius muscles. Many people use the exercise as a supplement or substitute for triceps workouts with dumbbells.
How To Do
- Set a mat on the floor to provide some cushioning for your hands. It would be painful for your wrists and hands to do it on a hard surface.
- Get down on all fours, hands together under the chest. To form a diamond, place both hands’ index fingers and thumbs so they are touching.
- Extend your arms to raise the body, creating a straight line from your head to your feet.
- Lower yourself to the ground and then push up. Maintain a flat back and avoid flaring your elbows out to the sides. Stop right before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position.
- Avoid flaring your elbows and keep them close to your torso. When performing diamond pushups, aim to keep your elbows bent at about a 45-degree angle relative to your body. This positioning helps better engage your triceps and maintain proper form.
- An arched back will result in less activation of the core or glutes thus reducing secondary abdominal muscle engagement. You may check your push-up form by looking in the mirror or recording yourself.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–5 | 3–5 (Weighted) |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 12–20 |
Power Training | 3–5 | 1–3 (Explosive) |
EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extension
EZ bar lying triceps extensions are a strength exercise used in a variety of weight training programs. These are sometimes known as skull crushers since you bring the bar down very close to your head. This simple but rigorous isolation workout can benefit all three heads of the triceps.
The EZ Bar lying triceps extension exercises your shoulders while strengthening and bulking your triceps. It is designed to provide a wide range of motion to stretch the triceps and increase muscle activation.
How To Do
- Lie flat on the bench with your head, back, and feet pressed against the bench and the ground. Use an overhand grip (palms facing upward) to hold the EZ bar.
- Exhale and raise the bar above your head while maintaining your elbows bent and tucked in. Continue until your arms are fully overhead.
- Inhale and lower the EZ bar to its starting position, keeping your upper arm still.
- On each rep, make sure to maintain steady control over the bar’s fall.
- Do not move the shoulders or upper arms, only the forearm.
- Pause in the bottom position to extend the triceps.
- Breathe in while lowering the bar; exhale while lifting it.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3 | 5–8 |
Hypertrophy | 4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3 | 12–30 |
Power Training | 3 | 4–10 (Explosive) |
Cross-Body Tricep Extension
The cross-body tricep extension exercise consists of standing with a cable machine and performing triceps extensions in a high cross position. This exercise involves extending your arms down while holding onto the cable handle, which works the triceps muscles.
The cross-body triceps extension allows everyone, regardless of fitness level, to strengthen the triceps and round out the appearance of the arm. According to this study, you can activate the tricep brachii better by doing overhead elbow extensions before the exercise.
How To Do
- Stand between two cable machines. Adjust the pulleys to the top position and attach the single-hand grips.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the machine. Grab the left cable with your right hand, and the right cable with your left.
- Move back slightly from the cable machine. Draw the shoulders back and flare the elbows out 15–30 degrees relative to the body.
- Extend both arms downward to full elbow extension, keeping your shoulders in place. Maintain control over the movement.
- Slowly raise both handles upward while keeping your shoulders fixed to control the load.
- Always warm up your triceps and shoulders to avoid injuries.
- Never use momentum; instead, use moderate and controlled extensions.
- To avoid lower back discomfort, maintain a straight back and an engaged core.
- Begin with lesser weights and focus on form, gradually increasing the weight over time.
- Breathe out when extending your arm, and breathe in when returning to the starting position.
- Take a few seconds to completely stretch your triceps for maximum tension.
Optimal Sets And Reps
Training Style | Sets | Reps |
Strength Training | 3–4 | 6–8 |
Hypertrophy | 3–4 | 8–12 |
Endurance Training | 3–4 | 15–20 |
Power Training | 3–5 | 3–6 (Explosive) |
Anatomy Of The Triceps Medial Head
The medial head of the triceps brachii is located deeper in the arm than the other two muscles. It is located at the base of both the lateral and long heads. It originates at the back of the upper arm bone and connects to the elbow bone.
The medial head, like the other two heads, controls elbow extension. It is especially activated when the elbow is fully extended and helps to stabilize the joint.
Benefits Of Medial Head Tricep Exercises
Medial head tricep exercises, when included in a balanced exercise regimen, provide the following benefits:
Improves Stability
A strong medial head facilitates steady arm movement by stabilizing the elbow joint. With a well-developed medial head, hand functions that require elbow extension or pushing motion are much easier to execute.
It implies that your performance improves in such activities. It also minimizes the risk of incurring elbow injury by ensuring proper alignment and smooth movement of the elbow.
Builds Strength
The medial heads are vital in aiding power-pressing and pushing movements. Such include workout activities such as performing the overhead press, push-ups, and bench press.
The arms become more stable at the elbow joint when the medial heads are strengthened. This lets you take on more weight and increase workout intensity during strength training.
Tones Muscle
The arm is made up of several muscle groups, each needing balanced development for overall strength and physique. Working the medial heads specifically helps accentuate the tricep’s firmness and thickness. This creates a well-defined tricep brachii that is pleasing to look at.
Expert Training Tips
- Focus On Elbow Positioning — Correct technique and elbow alignment prevent strain and increase the efficiency of muscle workouts.
- Train Using Moderate Weights — In addition to providing good muscular stimulation, this lowers the risk of injury.
- Use Controlled Movements — Controlled motions maximize muscle activation while lowering the chance of poor form and injury.
- Pay Attention To Fatigue — It prevents overtraining and maintains the effectiveness of the workout.
- Vary Your Grip — Varying your grip targets different muscle fibers while preventing adaptation, resulting in balanced muscle development.
Training the medial head of the triceps consistently and with a variety of activities is critical. The eight workouts listed above give a thorough plan for developing the triceps. Ensure to combine a brief warm up routine and tricep stretches to avoid injuries and hasten recovery.
Each of these workouts focuses on the triceps to enhance arm strength and achieve balanced development. If you desire stronger triceps and a more stable and functional upper body, try these routines.
Frequently Asked Questions
You cannot completely isolate the medial head from the other triceps heads. However, you can perform particular medial head triceps exercises that increase the activation of this head.
Yes, skull crushers do engage all three triceps heads, with the medial head acting as the major driver.
Yes, triceps dips impact the medial head muscle, especially when performed properly and with a complete range of motion. However, this approach is equally effective in targeting the lateral and long heads.
Even though it’s smaller than the other heads, the medial head of the triceps helps keep the elbow stable, especially when it is on a stretch.
Resources refrains from utilizing tertiary references. We uphold stringent sourcing criteria and depend on peer-reviewed studies and academic research conducted by medical associations and institutions. For more detailed insights, you can explore further by reading our editorial process.
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