Negative Push-Up

Negative push-ups provide a twist to this classic exercise. Emphasizing the lowering component challenges your chest, arms, back, and core differently. Essentially, you slowly perform the lowering element of the classic push-up while resisting, but giving in slightly to gravity.

Negative push-ups emphasize the eccentric, or lengthening, part of the movement. This eccentric action can put more force through the muscle and enhance training adaptations versus traditional movements.

Proper technique is always a good call, but it is particularly important with the increased overload of negative movements. Additionally, proper programming is important as the soreness factor can be amplified with this and any negative movement.

How To Do

  1. Begin in the classic push-up position, with a straight line from your ankles through to the top of your head. Your feet should be hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly and deliberately lower your body until it almost hits the ground. Keep a nice straight line from your ankles through to the top of your head.
  3. Proper form is particularly necessary with this and any other negative exercise. Be sure you have proper posture: no head dip and no sagging hips.
  4. When you have reached the bottom of the movement, drop your knees to the floor. Then gently ease your shoulders and head back up.
  5. Finally, lift your knees back up off the floor and return to the starting position for the next rep.
  6. Be sure to engage your glutes and core throughout the movement. Remember, if you do them correctly, push-ups do work abs!

Tips From Expert

  • Be careful with the volume! Negative exercises more selectively target the muscles, tendons, and nervous system than traditional exercises. They can improve strength gains beyond traditional exercises, but be careful of the extra soreness.
  • Be mindful of your technique. Because negative exercises are more taxing the consequences of poor movement mechanics can be greater.
  • Utilize negative push-ups as one of many variations and ways to explore the benefits of push-ups.
  • Eccentric exercises like the negative push-up can be a potent tool for injury rehabilitation. Consult with your physical therapist for how best to incorporate them into your rehabilitation plan.

Optimal Sets and Reps

As stated above, be very careful with the volume of any negative movement. This is particularly true for beginners and others who haven’t previously done negative exercises.

Training Type Sets Reps
Strength Training 2–3 3–6
Hypertrophy 2–4 6–12
Endurance Training 3–5 6–20
Power Training 3–5 1–3 (Explosively go up after!)
Optimal Sets & Reps of Negative Push-Up

How to Put in Your Workout Split

The negative push-up involves slowly and deliberately lowering yourself to the bottom of the push-up. Being an eccentrically emphasized movement it has increased capability to provide strength, hypertrophy, and injury prevention benefits.

  • Upper Body And Push Splits — Negative push-ups can be implemented into your upper body and push splits by replacing traditional push-ups. A recent study found that negative-only exercising had very similar improvements to traditional up-and-down training. With that in mind, start by replacing some or all of your push-up sets with negative push-ups.

  • Rehab And Prehab Splits — They can be the cornerstone of your injury rehab plan if you can handle the extra stress of negative movements. Whether you add it after another split or it’s a standalone training day, it can aid stability. Easing into negative push-ups will save you from being too sore and having to reduce the quality of subsequent sessions.

  • Core Split — Negative push-ups can also be implemented in a core split. TRX and other suspension devices can further activate the core and improve stability.

In addition to adjusting sets and reps, you can adjust the intensity by adding weight or performing these on your knees. Using a weighted vest can increase the focus on strength and hypertrophy. Reducing intensity will allow you to do more reps, increasing the muscular endurance benefits.

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Primary Muscle Groups

Clavicular Head of Pectoralis Major

Muscles located at the top of your chest, running from your armpit to collar bone. Smaller portion of your chest muscle.

Sternal Head of Pectoralis Major

Large muscles located underneath your clavicle head. Makes up most of your chest area

Abdominal Head of Pectoralis Major

Muscles located at the bottom of your pectoral region, just above your abdominal muscles.

Clavicular Head Of Pectoralis Major

The pectoralis major plays a large role in any upper-body push movement. It is a large muscle on the chest consisting of three heads. The clavicular head of the pectoralis major originates on the collarbone and inserts on the upper arm.

This muscle has an activation rate of 29.60% of its maximal voluntary contraction during a standard push-up. Maximal voluntary contraction represents the most force a particular muscle can produce. Negative lifting has been found to have a higher activation rate with other muscles helping to stabilize the movement.

Sternal Head Of Pectoralis Major

The sternal head of the pectoralis major goes from the sternum to the upper arm. It is the largest and middle section of the fan-shaped pectoralis major muscle. It is also responsible for pushing movements, like a bench press or a punch.

During a negative push-up, the sternal head of the pectoralis major will do most of the initial resisting of gravity. This muscle is targeted specifically with barbell and dumbbell bench presses, contributing to overall pectoralis and upper body strength. Negative push-ups can help this muscle’s ability to absorb and control force.

Abdominal Head Of Pectoralis Major

The abdominal head of the pectoralis major is the lowest part of the pectoralis major muscle. It goes from the lower chest to the upper arm, beneath the sternal head of the pectoralis muscle.

This abdominal head of the pectoralis major helps with internal rotation of the upper arm and pressing downwards. Decline bench presses or push-ups emphasize this more than other bench presses or push-up variants. During a negative push-up, this part of the pectoralis major helps with resisting gravity as well as core and shoulder stability.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Erector Spinae

Muscles that span the entire length of your spine on either side.

Serratus Anterior

Small, fan shaped muscle that lies deep under your chest and scapula.

Upper Rectus Abdominis

Muscles located just below the lower chest and above the lower abdominals. Between your ribs and pubic bone.

Lower Rectus Abdominis

Muscles located below your upper abs and above your public bone between your ribs.


Muscles located on the sides of your rectus abdominals. Runs on the sides of your trunk.

Triceps Lateral Heads

Muscles located on the back of your arm between your shoulder and elbow.

Triceps Medial Heads

Small muscles located at the back of your arms. Deep to the triceps long heads between the shoulder and elbow.

Triceps Long Heads

Large muscles located at the back of your arms between your shoulder and elbow. Most outside portion of the tricep.

Anterior Deltoid

Muscles located at the front of your shoulder region

Anterior Deltoid

Located on the front of the shoulder, the anterior deltoid is utilized in pushing actions and raising your arm. During a negative push-up, the anterior deltoids assist the pectoralis major in controlling the lowering of the body.

The lower anterior deltoid also helps stabilize the shoulder. Proper technique is crucial during negative movements, so the stabilization provided by the anterior deltoid is critical.

Triceps Lateral Heads

The triceps lateral heads are on the back of the upper arm, furthest from your body. Their primary function is elbow extension which is important in a classic push-up. During a negative push-up, they resist and control the slow, deliberate elbow flexion.

The triceps are particularly activated in narrower grip push-ups and are important to develop for repetitive pushing.

Triceps Medial Heads

The triceps medial heads are also on the back of the upper arm, beneath the lateral and long heads. During a push-up, the triceps medial heads stabilize and flex the elbow. Like the lateral heads, during a negative push-up, they resist and control the slow, deliberate elbow flexion.

Triceps Long Heads

The triceps long head is the biggest of the triceps muscles, running along the inside of the upper arm. Unlike the other two triceps muscles, the triceps long head goes across the shoulder joint. This adds shoulder stabilization to its functions, along with elbow extension like the medial and lateral heads.

This muscle has the same function during a negative push-up as the other two triceps, while also stabilizing the shoulder. This shoulder stabilization is particularly important during a negative movement.

Upper Rectus Abdominis

The upper rectus abdominis, commonly known as the upper abs, is important for core stability throughout this movement. Don’t forget that push-ups involve a lot of core stability. In a normal push-up, the activation rate is 23.85% but is further targeted with suspension training like the TRX.

Extra core stability is needed as the eccentric emphasis of this exercise provides an additional challenge. This further targets your core versus a traditional push-up. This may change how you program how often you should train abs if incorporating negative core movements.

Lower Rectus Abdominis

The lower rectus abdominis, or the lower abs, helps stabilize your hips throughout a negative push-up. The eccentric emphasis adds a challenge for this muscle compared to normal pushups. This movement will help train your lower rectus abdominis to keep your hips stable, a requirement for any athletic movement.


The obliques, often known as the side abs, are key for core stability and strength, as well as torso rotation. The external and internal obliques are located along each side of your torso. The internal obliques are underneath the external.

The oblique muscles are important for core stability during a negative push-up. Core stability becomes more difficult than a normal push-up with the eccentric emphasis.

Serratus Anterior

The serratus anterior is along the sides of your ribcage. They move and stabilize your shoulder blades and are important in the lowering portion of this movement.

Erector Spinae

The erector spinae runs along the length of the spine and flexes the spine while also maintaining a good, erect posture. They comprise three groups: the spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis. During a negative push-up, the erector spinae work together to maintain a good athletic posture throughout the movement.

Who Should Do?

Athletes Requiring Core Stability

Athletes require and benefit from improved core stability. A major function of the core musculature is to absorb force and maintain shape. For example, during running, there are forces acting on the core which must stay engaged to keep an athletic posture. 

A more stable athlete is a better athlete. Forceful movements done a few times, like a back squat, or endurance movements done repeatedly, like in marathon running both benefit. Eccentric core movements, like the negative push-up, can help you handle the forces of your sport and maintain good form. 

In all sports, but particularly contact sports, more force can be done to the core than it can produce itself. Therefore, focusing on eccentric movements can be a smart move. They can provide more total force (mechanical tension) than could be done with traditional concentric movements. This can make eccentric movements an important tool in your injury prevention program. 

Athletes Looking To Overcome A Plateau

If you train for long enough, no matter how well you plan, you’ll likely have a period of stagnating gains. More of the same training won’t get you out of the rut. Implementing new methods is often the best way to break through. Eccentric training can induce novel stimuli to enhance neuromuscular adaptations. 

Particularly if you have never previously done eccentric training, it can provide greater progress than traditional exercises. Be sure to reduce volume compared to normal exercises, too much soreness will not help you overcome a plateau. 

For beginners, negative push-ups will enhance stability. Improved stability will allow for more force to be handled safely allowing for additional mechanical tension. 

For more advanced athletes, negative push-ups will provide a stronger overload of the nervous system. This allows for better training of the neural (nerve) component of the muscular system. Think of it as upgrading your computer’s software which improves performance with the same hardware. 

Who Should Not Do?

Individuals With Lower Back Injuries

Individuals with lower back issues may lack the ability to efficiently engage the muscles needed to properly perform this movement. The negative push-up requires several muscles to work together to maintain stability and posture during all phases. Improper stability of the spine, hips, and shoulders can exacerbate previous injuries and may cause new ones.

Additionally, the extra neuromuscular and mechanical loading of negative movements are further reasons to think twice. Be careful about incorporating this exercise with injured athletes. 

If you have pre-existing lower back injuries, consult a physical therapist to improve and remedy movement dysfunction. Being such a complex area of the body, consult a healthcare professional who can individualize a rehab plan for you. 

Beginners Without Proper Strength And Stability

This may not be the most difficult athletic movement ever, but it is challenging and overloads the body in different ways. If you cannot maintain proper stability throughout this movement, you are inviting the possibility of injury. Use more traditional movements like a standard push-up to build up to this exercise. 

The negative push-up requires a coordinated effort among a group of stabilizing muscles to be done correctly. If those stabilizing muscles can’t work together, there is more force than you can safely handle. Putting dysfunctional force through your hips and spine is an unfortunately easy way to get a lower back or other injury. 

While the negative push-up can benefit beginners’ stability, it should only be implemented when they are capable and ready. This and all other negative movements are something to graduate up to, not start a training program with. 

Benefits Of The Negative Push-Up

Builds Strength

The negative push-up is an effective way to build functional strength for a variety of athletic movements. It builds muscular strength and enhances the ability of different muscle groups to absorb force and maintain shape. This goes a long way towards not only making your muscles concentrically stronger but also isometrically and eccentrically stronger. 

A classic axiom in strength and conditioning is to train movements, not muscles. The negative push-up is a great example of this in that it trains muscles to work together effectively. The individual muscles get stronger, but more importantly, your body can perform entire movements better. 

Tones Muscles

Muscle tone refers to how much tension a muscle can hold. Muscle tone is often referred to only when it is too high or too low. However, it can also refer to a state of preparedness. One of the classical works on human movement refers to tone as muscle language, which prepares an adequate movement response. 

Improved muscle tone can lead to improved posture and joint health through more stable muscles and connective tissues. This enhanced muscular communication and thus better-controlled movement, can improve performance and reduce injury risk for athletes. It can also maintain and improve quality of life implications as we get older. 

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Both the strength and muscular endurance benefits of this exercise can have knock-on benefits for heart health. A stronger and more stable core will enable you to exercise more effectively for longer periods which will strengthen your heart. Being able to do more push-ups has been linked to improved future cardiovascular health outcomes. 

Incorporating negative push-ups into your routine will make you stronger and improve your endurance. This will help lower your resting heart rate, improve your cardiovascular system, and reduce heart disease risk. This is particularly true for those who can do enough reps to make this an endurance movement. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are negative push-ups effective?

Negative exercises are as or more effective than traditional movements. They can be very effective in enhancing strength and stability.

How do you control negative push-ups?

Control and proper technique are always important in training, particularly with negative movements. Be slow and deliberate with the motion and don’t overdo it with the volume and intensity. 

When should I do negative push-ups?

As is often the case with training prescriptions, it depends. Replacing normal push-ups with negative push-ups in your routine is a good place to start.

How many negative push-ups should I do?

Again, it depends on your experience and goals. Beginners should ease into the volume slowly. Intermediate and advanced athletes should do fewer reps but with weight for strength gains. Consult the table in this article for more specific recommendations. 

Resources refrains from utilizing tertiary references. We uphold stringent sourcing criteria and depend on peer-reviewed studies and academic research conducted by medical associations and institutions. For more detailed insights, you can explore further by reading our editorial process.

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