30 Day Ab Challenge For A Quick Six-Pack In 2024

Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? The 30 day ab challenge will help you get closer to the goal of a strong and aesthetic core. Alongside a healthy diet, supplements, and a fat burner, this 30 day ab workout plan will get you toned quickly. Training your abs won’t just improve your appearance. As a form of resistance training, it can help boost your mood.[1]

Our 30 days abs challenge features a steady progression of challenges. Plus, you’ll get enough rest days to minimize injury. Are you a beginner just getting into exercise? Or are you a frequent gym-goer trying to focus on weight loss? Either way, you’re about to see some great results!

30 Day Ab Challenge For You To Try

Are you ready for action? It’s time to start the 30-day ab challenge for beginners! You’re about to test your core in many different ways. You’ll enjoy a handful of rest days along the way. Let’s get started with your core exercise journey.

Week 1: Foundation Building

Welcome to week one of the 30-day ab challenge for beginners. Get to know these exercises and practice any that you’re unfamiliar with. Onwards to the 30-day ab workout plan!

high plank
High plank is an exercise for the upper body. Photo: LightField Studios/Shutterstock
ExerciseSets x Reps
Monday: Bear Crawls5 x 20
Wednesday: High Plank5 sets
Saturday: Mountain Climbers8 sets

Week 2: Core Strengthening

You’re making good progress with the 30-day ab challenge that works. Now, it’s time to progress with the exercises. This week increases intensity, preparing your body for more challenging movements, and ensuring a solid foundation for overall core development.

ExerciseSets x Reps
Monday: High Plank5 sets
Thursday: Bear Crawls5 sets
Saturday: Mountain Climbers8 sets

Week 3: Endurance Boosting

You’re making great progress with your exercise for abs. Things are getting even tougher this week! You’re really about to challenge your rectus abdominis and the rest of your core.

ExerciseSets x Reps
Monday: Tougher Mountain Climbers10 sets
Wednesday: Advanced Bear Crawls7 sets
Friday: Extended High Plank8 times

Week 4: Power and Precision

You’re no longer a 30-day ab challenge beginner. You’ve made excellent progress. To our 30-day abs challenge, female and male participants: keep going!

ExerciseSets x Reps
Monday: Prolonged High Plank10 sets
Thursday: Beastly Bear Crawls5 sets
Sunday: Endurance Mountain Climbers10 sets

Week 5: Advanced Dynamics

You’re almost officially part of the club! It feels good to join the ranks of 30-day Ab Challenge women and 30-day Ab Challenge men. You’re only two days away from a great sense of accomplishment.

ExerciseSets x Reps
Monday: Bear Crawl Gauntlet5 sets
Tuesday: Everest Mountain Climbers15 sets

What Are Ab Challenge 30 Days?

upper body
The 30-day ab challenge is designed to quickly sculpt a six-pack. Photo: Master1305/Shutterstock

The ab challenge 30-day will help you develop a six-pack quickly. Not only that, but you’ll build core strength and manage back pain. However, it takes more than exercise. You’ll need to consume a healthy diet. 

Together, these factors will help your abs pop. Exercises such as Bear Crawls, Crunches, and Weight Drags are challenging but effective. Several rest days along the way will help you to achieve the best results. Get enough sleep and eat well, and you’ll watch your abs develop rapidly.

Does The 30 Day Ab Challenge Work?

Absolutely! If you’re looking for a 30-day ab challenge that works, you’re in the right place. Not only will it help you get chiseled, but resistance exercise, in general, has a host of benefits. This includes increased muscle mass, strength, and longevity.[2]

However, achieving a toned set of abs requires more than working out. To help your six-pack peek through, you’ll need to focus on fat loss. Count calories, eat healthy, and take a vitamin formula for overall well-being.

Things To Consider

The 30-day ab challenge will help you to develop strength and stability. For the best results possible, consider the points below:

  • Get enough sleep: Try to get seven or more[3] hours of sleep each night. This will help you to recover properly. Research also ties sleep to athletic performance.[4]
  • Listen to your body: Don’t get too dogmatic with the daily exercises. Do you feel like you’ve pulled a muscle? Do you feel unusually fatigued? If so, rest now to prevent further injury.
  • Maintain a balanced diet: Exercise burns calories. However, diet is a big part of developing a visible six-pack. You’ll need a healthy diet and aim for a slight caloric restriction.


You have a pathway to a strong core and visible abs at your fingertips. All it takes is a healthy diet and a short workout several days a week. Commit yourself to the 30 days and see the results for yourself. Toned abs aside, you’ll also feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get abs in 30 days?

Yes, but it takes more than exercise. You’ll need to eat a healthy, protein-rich diet and maintain a calorie deficit if trying to lose weight.

What is the most effective ab exercise?

There isn’t one. Every exercise hits the abs in a slightly different way. The best abs exercise is the one you enjoy the most and will therefore do the most.

Who should not do ab challenge?

Pregnant women, people living with heart disease, and people feeling unwell should consult with their doctor before doing the 30-day ab challenge.

Which muscle is hardest to grow?

All muscles grow in response to exercise. However, the forearms, calves, and triceps are often viewed as the hardest to grow.


  1. Tang, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, J. and Liu, Y. (2022). Effects of aquatic exercise on mood and anxiety symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [online] 13. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1051551.
  2. D’Onofrio, G., Kirschner, J., Prather, H., Goldman, D. and Rozanski, A. (2023). Musculoskeletal exercise: Its role in promoting health and longevity. [online] 77, pp.25–36. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcad.2023.02.006.
  3. CDC (2022). How Much Sleep Do I Need? [online] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about_sleep/how_much_sleep.html.
  4. Mounir Chennaoui, Arnal, P.J., Fabien Sauvet and Leger, D. (2015). Sleep and exercise: A reciprocal issue? [online] 20, pp.59–72. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smrv.2014.06.008.